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Chalk and Pastels

"Dawn", 18 x 24", oil pastel on mixed media paper

"Abstract Still-Life", 18 x 24", oil pastel on mixed media paper

"Panther", 18 x 24", oil pastel on mixed media paper

"Still-Life", 18 x 24", chalk on mixed media paper

      These drawings were drawn on 18 x 24" mixed media paper. At the time I was exploring color theory to add vibrancy to my works. "Dawn" was an experiment with color transitions and abstraction of the word "dawn". "Panther" was an abstraction of an image provided by the instructor with the vague criteria that I had to change the image without completely getting rid of the roots. The final two are still-lives with the "Abstract Still-Life" being an assignment where I had select one item from a selection, and then create an abstract environment around the object. The actual still-life is a stemless apple, two books stacked together, and a cloth in the background.

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